://github.com/JuliaTDA/GeometricDatasets.jl ] add https
Getting started
The goal of GeometricDatasets.jl
is to provide some basic metric spaces from topology, like the torus, n-sphere, and so on. Besides that, we provide some functions to easily translate metric spaces, and also some methods to obtain submetric spaces in a “nice” way that still reflect the geometry of the total space. We plan to add dimensionality reduction methods soon.
In Julia, type
First usage
You can create point clouds with functions such that torus
or sphere
using GeometricDatasets;
= sphere(1000, dim = 2) X
2×1000 Matrix{Float64}:
0.878033 0.117723 0.903986 … -0.309874 0.285158 -0.999667
0.4786 -0.993046 -0.427562 0.950778 0.95848 -0.0258057
and plot it with Plots.jl:
using CairoMakie;
You can also translate it easily and add to the previous plot:
= translate_space(X, [1, 1])
Y = hcat(X, Y)
Z scatter(Z)