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Getting started
In Julia, type
First usage
Load some libraries
using ToMATo
import GeometricDatasets as gd
using AlgebraOfGraphics
then define X
as the following pointcloud with ds
as density function:
= hcat(randn(2, 800), randn(2, 800) .+ 4)
X = x -> exp(-(x / 2)^2)
k = gd.Filters.density(X, kernel_function = X -> X .|> k |> sum)
= (x1 = X[1, :], x2 = X[2, :], ds = ds)
df = data(df) * mapping(:x1, :x2, color = :ds)
plt draw(plt)
Then calculate its proximity graph
= proximity_graph(X, 0.2, max_k_ball = 6, k_nn = 4, min_k_ball = 2)
= graph_plot(X, g, ds)
fig, ax, plt fig
┌ Warning: Axis got passed, but also axis attributes. Ignoring axis attributes (type = Makie.Axis, width = 600, height = 600).
└ @ AlgebraOfGraphics ~/.julia/packages/AlgebraOfGraphics/yhdjr/src/draw.jl:19
After that, we need to apply the ToMATo algorithm twice: the first time to estimate the parameter by analyzing the births and deaths of the connected components:
= tomato(X, g, ds, Inf)
clusters, births_and_deaths
We can see that 0.1 is a reasonable cut for the peaks. Let’s calculate ToMATo again and plot it
= 0.1
τ = tomato(X, g, ds, τ, max_cluster_height = τ)
clusters, births_and_deaths
= graph_plot(X, g, clusters .|> string)
fig, ax, plt fig
┌ Warning: Axis got passed, but also axis attributes. Ignoring axis attributes (type = Makie.Axis, width = 600, height = 600).
└ @ AlgebraOfGraphics ~/.julia/packages/AlgebraOfGraphics/yhdjr/src/draw.jl:19
See the Examples section for more.