Getting started


The goal of GeometricDatasets.jl is to provide some basic metric spaces from topology, like the torus, n-sphere, and so on. Besides that, we provide some functions to easily translate metric spaces, and also some methods to obtain submetric spaces in a “nice” way that still reflect the geometry of the total space. We plan to add dimensionality reduction methods soon.


In Julia, type

] add

First usage

You can create point clouds with functions such that torus or sphere:

using GeometricDatasets;
X = sphere(1000, dim = 2)
2×1000 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.878033   0.117723   0.903986  …  -0.309874  0.285158  -0.999667
 0.4786    -0.993046  -0.427562      0.950778  0.95848   -0.0258057

and plot it with Plots.jl:

using CairoMakie;

You can also translate it easily and add to the previous plot:

Y = translate_space(X, [1, 1])
Z = hcat(X, Y)