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In Julia, type

] add

The ] character mark the command to be executed in Julia package mode.

First usage

Load the packages

using TDAmapper;
import GeometricDatasets as gd;

create a torus

X = gd.torus(2000)
3×2000 Matrix{Float64}:
 -2.17768    1.35623   -0.0562065  …   0.906515  -1.53537   -2.11367
  3.34555   -2.3255     2.30534        2.2027    -1.38697   -1.66377
 -0.127294   0.951413  -0.719997      -0.786131  -0.365191   0.950715

define the filter values

fv = X[1, :];

and the covering

C = uniform(fv, overlap = 150);

Calculate the mapper

mp = mapper(X, fv, C; clustering = cluster_dbscan(;radius = 1))

and plot the results

node_values = node_colors(mp, fv)

mapper_plot(mp, node_values = node_values)

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