The Reaven and Miller diabetes dataset

Let’s reproduce the results of […].


To load the dataset, we will use a R package that contains it, and then convert it to a Julia DataFrame. You will need a working R installation for that.

using RCall
using TidierData
using TDAmapper

df = R"""
if (require("rrcov") == FALSE) {


""" |> rcopy;
┌ Warning: RCall.jl: Carregando pacotes exigidos: rrcov
│ Carregando pacotes exigidos: robustbase
│ Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point (version 1.7-4)
└ @ RCall ~/.julia/packages/RCall/LWzAQ/src/io.jl:172
first(df, 10)
10×6 DataFrame
Row rw fpg glucose insulin sspg group
Float64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Cat…
1 0.81 80 356 124 55 normal
2 0.95 97 289 117 76 normal
3 0.94 105 319 143 105 normal
4 1.04 90 356 199 108 normal
5 1.0 90 323 240 143 normal
6 0.76 86 381 157 165 normal
7 0.91 100 350 221 119 normal
8 1.1 85 301 186 105 normal
9 0.99 97 379 142 98 normal
10 0.78 97 296 131 94 normal

Now, let’s extract only the numeric columns

pre_X = @chain df begin
    @select(rw, fpg, glucose, insulin, sspg)

and normalize them

function normalize(x)
    dev = std(x)
    if (std(x)  0) 
        dev = 1

    (x .- mean(x)) ./ dev

X = mapslices(normalize, pre_X, dims = 1)' |> Matrix;

Ball mapper

Now we calculate the ball mapper using all nodes, and setting \(\epsilon = 0.5\):

mp = ball_mapper(X, [1:size(X)[2];], ϵ = 0.5);

The resulting graph is the following

node_values = node_colors(mp, .|> string)
node_positions = layout_mds(mp.CX, dim = 3)

mapper_plot(mp, node_values = node_values, node_positions = node_positions)

We colored each node by the most commom type of diabetes of the points in the node. We can see two branches coming from the center: one going left, with overt type diabetes, and another one going up, with chemical type diabetes.